Prevous Model Leyland Titan TD1 Double Deck Bus with Open Staircase Next Model
(F.J. Bardsley) Cronulla Branding
27213 front view 27213 rear view
Fleet No.-- RegistrationMO 841
Route No.62 DestinationSutherland
AdvertsRoute branding "Cronulla" above and "Sutherland" below lower deck side windows
LiveryLight blue with off white between deck and below window bands. Black mudguards and thin lining bands
NotesThis model was produced for the Australian Trux Trax range (issued as TX3C), and was only available in the UK to members of the EFE Subscriber Service. The Australian versions were issued in Trax packaging. The operators name F.J. Bardsley does not appear on the model.
IssuedJune 2004 (UK) Release Code 1 / Standard
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