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If you have any difficulties with the links below, then we'd be very grateful if you would report it to us
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Bus Events Diary - a thoroughly comprehensive calendar of UK bus & coach related events maintained by The Classic Buses Website

Buses Worldwide - bus operation and manufacturers in all parts of the world

Buses Lists on the Web - a huge searchable database containing details of thousands of UK buses & coaches past & present NEW

Next Stop Productions - bus DVDs, photographs & code 3 model for the enthusiast

Red-RF.COM - A site devoted to London Transport's RF Class covering both the buses and red central area routes they operated from 1950s to the late 1970s. NEW


RLH Information Centre - a resource for those interested in these Weymann bodied AEC Regal III lowbridge vehicles

Routemaster Association - the history, operation and technical know-how associate with the preservation of the AEC Routemasters


Working on the buses - a collection of reminiscences gathered by Richard Delahoy

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