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AEC Bus Site - dedicated to buses built by the Associated Equipment Company

ATAC Roma Foto

ATAC Roma - an often historical gallery of buses in Rome, Italy CURRENTLY OFF LINE

Bats about Buses - Siggy de Reuther's great site dedicated to the history of the Brighton Corporation, Brighton, Hove and District and Southdown fleets

Bradford Trolleybus Association

Brighton Corporation Transport - a history and illustrated fleet list of buses, trams and trolleys

Bristol K and L - a site dedicated to these famous half-cabs

Bristol RELH/ECW - a huge collection of data about, and pictures of, the original ECW body on the Bristol RELH chassis

Burlingham of Blackpool

Burlingham of Blackpool - the Huddersfield Passenger Transport archive of H.V. Burlingham's distinctive vehicles

Classic Buses Website, The - Dick Gilbert's huge website


Dopplestockbus.de - the buses of Berlin pictured for real, and in model form

The French Bus Page

French Bus Page, The - an Englishman's in-depth view

Glasgow Corporation Transport

Glasgow Corporation Transport 1871 to 1973 - wonderful website lovingly put together by Alice Cormack and Ian Semple

Harrington Coachworks

Harrington Coachworks - comprehensive, and lovingly put-together history of Thomas Harrington of Hove: huge picture archive CURRENTLY OFF LINE

Hastings Trolleybus Restoration Group

Ian's Bus Stop - a enormous resource, including scaleable drawings, for the London Transport enthusiast and model builder

Leyland Society, The - for those with an interest in the history of Leyland Motors (1896-1993)

Local Transport History - Peter Gould's huge collection of potted histories and fleet lists

London Bus Routes - Ian Armstrong's detailed and illustrated route histories and bus blinds NEW URL

London Half Cabs

London Half Cabs and Die-cast Buses - from 1931 to the 1960s

London Transport Museum - a huge research resource and historical archive of items, words, pictures and ephemera

London Transport Service Vehicles - great resource for the LT modeller - look out for the modelling 'Articles'

MacBrayne Circle, The - MacBrayne preservation, with a number of helpful and interesting images

National Association of Transport Museums

Olive Green & Ivory - the history of Blackburn tramways and omnibuses New

The Omnibus Society - studies all aspects of the history, current operations and future development of British bus and coach services

PSV Circle - the PSV circle's new website

RLH Bus Information Centre - a resource for those interested in these Weymann bodied AEC Regal III lowbridge vehicles

Rome / Roma

Public Transport in Rome - the history of the city buses of Rome from its origins to the present day CURRENTLY OFF LINE

Routemaster Association - the history, operation and technical know-how associate with the  preservation of the AEC Routemasters

The changing scene in Sutton - Honeywood Museum's transport pics through the ages from the south London Borough

Toby and John's Transport History - public transport in south east London and north west Kent


Working on the buses - a collection of reminiscences gathered by Richard Delahoy

Yardley Wood Bus Club

Yardley Wood Bus Club - long-standing preservation group in the West Midlands, and fund-raising model dealers

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